Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Cable

The car passed the bridge and took a right heading towards the cul-de-sac. It got parked on the side of the kerb and Varun was carried to his apartment. Varun had been checking mails in his office desk, when suddenly his right side became ice cold like a stone. After a few minutes of panic and struggle, he was made to sit into the office car and was driven to his home. Varun’s wife Maya, feared that Varun would have got one of the stone attacks with which the medical fraternity had been fighting in the recent years. People seem to suffer from this kind of sudden attacks where their parts of body turn numb. Every hospital had built a separate ward for housing patients suffering from stone attacks. Patients were monitored and were assisted to carry out their daily activities with their numb parts. Maya called for an ambulance and Varun was carried out in the stretch and the ambulance started off.

The Warden was making his daily rounds in level 4 of the Ministerial power center. The center housed millions of brain like things know as biocell. His duty was to check the power level of each biocell for the day. As he was checking over the biocell C873X23 he noticed that there was something strange. The power level was low than the expected limit. As he neared the biocell he observed that there was a cable hanging loose from the left side of the biocell. The warden took the cable and plugged into the free socket.

The ambulance had almost reached the hospital and Varun was carried out in the stretcher. As he was carried over, Varun felt like his right side coming over. As he tried to rollover he fell of the stretcher and got up with ease. The doctors were perplexed and Varun was driven home.

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