Thursday, April 30, 2009


Here I am still sitting in front of this all in one multipurpose entertainment providing stupid machine know as Computer. While I type these lines, the Earth is on a mission to reach its climax (don’t ask with whom) i.e. its hottest season ‘The Summer’ or astronomically perigee. During olden days i.e. my childhood, the word summer used to create a sense of happiness, like cheating in an examination without getting caught or sharing an ice cream with a beautiful girl. Oh no!!! I am just over reacting. The word ‘summer’ just gives a sense of relief which one gets when relieving, after sitting in a 3 hour session in an air conditioned hall. Summer during old days was fun. Running to the ground immediately after the last annual exam or rushing to the theatres to get tickets to the latest movie, whatever it may be, there was always the excitement like coming out of a prison term. One used to start planning what to do in summer, losing hours of precious study during the exam time.

Once the summer holidays get started, an extra boost of nitrous oxide kicks into the engines of kids. The kids, who found it difficult to get up for school, woke up early in the summer and everyone rushed to the play ground for their share of sport. After the breakfast there was this hour of video games at a friend’s place, the new sensation in the upcoming digital era. The worlds of Mario and Contra were explored pixel by pixel till the thumbs and joysticks were broken. Then came the season of Prince of Persia,
Need for Speed, Roadrash and the Ages of Empire which swept away the time like dust. Moving into higher secondary, not one theatre was left behind during the holidays. Passing time standing in the ticket counter, watching even the dumbest movies, afternoons were spent in the cool abode of theatres. Roaming the streets in the evenings in the deadly bicycles, passing through houses where the girls resided, commenting at every girl passing were arguably the entertaining activities during adulthood holidays.

The one most prominent thing in the summer holidays was visiting relatives. It is this summer time that the railways were in fullest operation, transporting each woman to her maike(mom’s house) and all husbands making happy arrangements for a short period of regaining their bachelorhood. Holidays at relatives was always fun with grandparents pampering, roaming out with uncles and aunts, playing with cousins and breaking something or the other with your parent not able to thrash you. Some were lucky enough to go on a boring tour, visiting beautiful places amidst venturing into numerous temples which were the prime aim of the touring party. The most profitable business during the summer was the numerous “CRASH” coaching classes that tried to make kids master of various arts in an unbelievable time period. Kids were sent to the classes mostly to keep the trouble away from home, or when the ladies wanted to watch tv soaps peacefully. In addition to these activities, numerous so called sports like carom board, playing cards, business-trade, kites keep off boredom. Of all these sports, terrace cricket was arguably the best athletic sport involving breaking windows, jumping over terrace and roof to fetch the ball earning all the well wishes of the neighbours.

Whatever it was, those summers were always meant for taking a break from the year’s activities. But as I am living through this summer, a sense of boredom creeps in. Being grown up, engaged in more serious activities like doing a PG course, undergoing an internship, time passes slowly through the windows (Microsoft). Now getting glued to the internet, all I do is checking my gtalk every 5 minutes, changing the playlist mechanically, downloading and watching loads of movies to the extent of turning into an insomniac. The body aches for action, the mind for the thrilling excitement which as of now is only provided with Counter Strike and FIFA08. Hope to see some action soon….

Monday, April 27, 2009

A few of my Murphy's Laws

Hope Murphy wont mind...  :P

You always get a green signal when you go with your girl friend,
but you wait for aeons when you are alone...

The film is always screened early when you go with your girl,
but you get to watcht loads of ads in other cases...

Friends always bump into you while shopping with your girl,
but you dont meet a single soul while shopping alone...

you stay at a far away place,
your boy friend and parents decide yo visit you on the same day!!!