Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dream on!!!

'Wonder what is real, this life or its dreams' - anonymous / Rajesh ( if the anonymous doesn't reveal himself )

Since I had gained a self conscious and thought process ( somewhere around the age of ten ) , I have been always wondering of two things - Death and after, Dreams (DD). I guess this double DD should be the second best one in the DD series (hope you know the first best one).

In this post let me snake (doing justification for the blog title :P) about Dreams.

Dreams have been a constant source of inspiration, self reflection and a mystery to me, since I started remembering them even after waking up. Once such dream was an adventure fantasy, where I was running on a makeshift wooden pier and suddenly a huge Shiva Lingam (The Holy Phallus) emerges from the waters underneath (something similar to the league of extra ordinary gentlemen) and I start running towards the shore - dream scene cuts - and it takes me to a tunnel sort of things where I am being chased by circular discs looking similar to the Vishnu Chakras (models all those space crafts of space movies). Thus inspired by this I made this holy crap ( see the image below) depicting saivites and vainavites fighting for the supremacy.

Then one day I happened to meet Lord Hanuman who wasnt in his best of moods, sort of in a Dark Knight-ish costume and attitude in a dilapidated home some where in the attic. God knows what I was doing there , but he told me to stay put and moved to the next room and I could hear fighting sounds and oops , scene cut. That was a strange meeting and still puzzles me why Lord Hanuman appears, as I dont have any particular favorites among mythological characters (plus am agnostic).

The most often occurring dreams can self reveal many things. For example, I reach late for exams; study shit scared for some exam and the next day go and sit to find out it is an different exam - reflecting my characteristic restlessness in things. Falling down, dropping dead in some accidents or shoot out - showing the influence of movies and the fear of death combined. Moving away from home, driving a car - two things which I haven't master yet.

Dreams tell me about my perceptions of people. There was this emotional dream where my grand ma appeared in good health and vigor. This dream occurred few years after her death (she passed away slowly after being bed ridden), showing how much I missed her and how much I wanted her to get cured; which was quite a surprise to me. There was also this one particular dream, where my childhood friends, my college mates and my current boss, whom haven't met each other before (upto my knowledge) happen to be in some place with me as the topic matter of discussion. This dream I guess tells me whose company and views I value the most. And ofcourse there are boyish dreams; dreams of me with my list of wannabes (celebrities and few specials for whom I had a liking in some phase of my time). Interesting thing, when the wannabes moves out of list, they are shown to be dead in dreams.
Time trend in my dreams. From my childhood my dreams have reflect the things that is the top on my worry or wonder list (I guess this phenomenon should be same for everyone) with some random outlier dreams. From adventure fantasy, death, exams, wannabes, I often get dreams of office and family now, indicating the top tocare list.

Whatever the dreams may be, they take my mind and my body sometimes (I feel body reflexes in while falling) into altogether different world, which I would like to explore more at my pace sans the edit cuts (as they say in the movie Inception - you don't know how you get into the dream scene). If one is able to find the path of how to get into the dream, I will happily do livid dreaming for the rest of my life.

Dream on!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Good one! I had a very bad one last night.. My cousin bro turned out to be a psycho killer and I'm running away from him to save myself.... Hehhehhe.. Btw, who/what is the first best DD??

- Ragam

Murali said...

I feel This happens with everyone.. I had this falling climax in dream many times.This falling effect destroys our sleep instantly.
I even thought of inventing some kind of alarm clock which induce the same kind of falling effect.. :-)
Anyways our atheist is dreaming of god always!

Unknown said...

Murali I am Agnostic ...not an atheist

Murali said...

dei..dei.. u and Mr.Rao were hardcore atheist. Rewind back to 12 yrs. We had so many discussions on that.
Now Rao has become a bakthimaan and you turned into a mild atheist(i.e. agnostic).
I know u from your chilhood!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't be an agnostic, be sure about your opinions. Either this way or that. Get cleared more!