Monday, December 25, 2006

even LIFE has some RATING...

Christmas came and went in a giffy. As a christmas gift i met my classmates on the eve ( too early to get the gift i suppose). I found a site while goin thru one of my friend's blog. The site rates a person's life based on some questionnaire and my life's rating came as the following...

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 6.8
Mind: 6.7
Body: 7.8
Spirit: 6.4
Friends/Family: 4.4
Love: 3.6
Finance: 8
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

My data interpretation for the above bar graph is as follows:

1. May be am in real need of love ( girl friends can be a alternative solution)

2. Seems tat i really need some spirits to lift up my SPIRIT ( as i am dry for the past few months :-(...)

3. Need to see my relatives and friends a lot ( had to take a long break from WORK for tat )

NOTE : u can take the test for multiple times to get a better rating of ur life :)