Friday, December 18, 2009

A Loooonnnnnggggg Hibernation

Where was it? What happened? Why such dormancy??? these kinda questions buzz me as I start blogging again now.. this moment!!! I feel the trembling of my fingers, wanting to vent out, type some gibber and my mind getting distracted by the other time eating devils of the internet ( gtalk, facebook, orkut).

Obviously it all began when I last posted. End of summer training, the relief of escaping from a 'D' grade, nevertheless still unhappy with the least qualified grade which I got for my project work. Then the turn of the final year in my student life (unless I do a doctorate) wanting to enjoy every moment, I knowingly suppressed this blogging part of me and tried to stick with the fast pace of the life. Time passed on with making new friends, doing derivatives, slogging for CFA, celebrating a wonderful b'day, gifting friends, boozing and listening to loud music. But still in the back/front or inside of my mind, there was a neuron inside dying in vain wanting to burst out (may be that was the reasons of my rare sporadic headaches).

Started sleeping in every other classes. Got the signal from my body "Dude your are too old to study now. go get a life...". All was hazy, where would I go from here, what will I do? what more should I do? Answers came, got placed unhappily, gave the CFA exam. Emptiness, void, what next? classes weren't that interesting (they weren't quite happening either), it was just boring shooting hoops, no real game. Finally came the signal, a man's impressed life brought a light into mine. Those words, that voice made me amnesiac, insulating me from the past and future. Is this what I wanted? I dunno!!! Is this going to be my future? I dunno!!! Now all that I know is the present. And I wish to live day by day, hour by hour, minute my minute, moment by moment....

hoping for a comeback in blogging....