Friday, December 18, 2009

A Loooonnnnnggggg Hibernation

Where was it? What happened? Why such dormancy??? these kinda questions buzz me as I start blogging again now.. this moment!!! I feel the trembling of my fingers, wanting to vent out, type some gibber and my mind getting distracted by the other time eating devils of the internet ( gtalk, facebook, orkut).

Obviously it all began when I last posted. End of summer training, the relief of escaping from a 'D' grade, nevertheless still unhappy with the least qualified grade which I got for my project work. Then the turn of the final year in my student life (unless I do a doctorate) wanting to enjoy every moment, I knowingly suppressed this blogging part of me and tried to stick with the fast pace of the life. Time passed on with making new friends, doing derivatives, slogging for CFA, celebrating a wonderful b'day, gifting friends, boozing and listening to loud music. But still in the back/front or inside of my mind, there was a neuron inside dying in vain wanting to burst out (may be that was the reasons of my rare sporadic headaches).

Started sleeping in every other classes. Got the signal from my body "Dude your are too old to study now. go get a life...". All was hazy, where would I go from here, what will I do? what more should I do? Answers came, got placed unhappily, gave the CFA exam. Emptiness, void, what next? classes weren't that interesting (they weren't quite happening either), it was just boring shooting hoops, no real game. Finally came the signal, a man's impressed life brought a light into mine. Those words, that voice made me amnesiac, insulating me from the past and future. Is this what I wanted? I dunno!!! Is this going to be my future? I dunno!!! Now all that I know is the present. And I wish to live day by day, hour by hour, minute my minute, moment by moment....

hoping for a comeback in blogging....

Friday, May 29, 2009


o thy dark clouds,
covering our worries with shrouds

o thy drizzle,
that makes many romances sizzle...

o thy falling bulbs,
that lighten our spirits...

o thy fragrance,
the wet earth - an unique incense...

o thy barrage of piercing needles,
questioning our sins and thee an absolving apostle...

o thy sound,
that causes hearts to pound...

o thy flash,
in front of which our shiny prides become ash...

o thy epilogue,
that makes the sky a colorful dialogue...

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I wake up at my second alarm,
with the sun shining bright and warm...
i join the world which is so rash and fast,
after having a dull breakfast...

passing through the market street,
watchin the butcher chop the meat...
smelling the garbage and the fruits,
i try to quickly pass by the route...

travelling over rivers of tar,
reaching another place not so far...
I feel the pure air in ma lungs,
where there aint no dumps or dungs...

settling in a small corner,
in a chair that aint no recliner,
All the day I stare at the comp
and all i do is starin n
chattin n
playin n
tradin n
sleepin n
movie watchin n
yawnin n
time passin 
the day goes on
i start packin

getting back home all alone,
and draggin a 170 pounds
I finish yet another round...

chattin all through the night,
listening to dogs fight oustide...
I sign out past midnight

as i crash to sleep,
something gets over me...
i set my second alarm,
and doze off thinking is it insanity,
as yet another day passed in this eternity....

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Here I am still sitting in front of this all in one multipurpose entertainment providing stupid machine know as Computer. While I type these lines, the Earth is on a mission to reach its climax (don’t ask with whom) i.e. its hottest season ‘The Summer’ or astronomically perigee. During olden days i.e. my childhood, the word summer used to create a sense of happiness, like cheating in an examination without getting caught or sharing an ice cream with a beautiful girl. Oh no!!! I am just over reacting. The word ‘summer’ just gives a sense of relief which one gets when relieving, after sitting in a 3 hour session in an air conditioned hall. Summer during old days was fun. Running to the ground immediately after the last annual exam or rushing to the theatres to get tickets to the latest movie, whatever it may be, there was always the excitement like coming out of a prison term. One used to start planning what to do in summer, losing hours of precious study during the exam time.

Once the summer holidays get started, an extra boost of nitrous oxide kicks into the engines of kids. The kids, who found it difficult to get up for school, woke up early in the summer and everyone rushed to the play ground for their share of sport. After the breakfast there was this hour of video games at a friend’s place, the new sensation in the upcoming digital era. The worlds of Mario and Contra were explored pixel by pixel till the thumbs and joysticks were broken. Then came the season of Prince of Persia,
Need for Speed, Roadrash and the Ages of Empire which swept away the time like dust. Moving into higher secondary, not one theatre was left behind during the holidays. Passing time standing in the ticket counter, watching even the dumbest movies, afternoons were spent in the cool abode of theatres. Roaming the streets in the evenings in the deadly bicycles, passing through houses where the girls resided, commenting at every girl passing were arguably the entertaining activities during adulthood holidays.

The one most prominent thing in the summer holidays was visiting relatives. It is this summer time that the railways were in fullest operation, transporting each woman to her maike(mom’s house) and all husbands making happy arrangements for a short period of regaining their bachelorhood. Holidays at relatives was always fun with grandparents pampering, roaming out with uncles and aunts, playing with cousins and breaking something or the other with your parent not able to thrash you. Some were lucky enough to go on a boring tour, visiting beautiful places amidst venturing into numerous temples which were the prime aim of the touring party. The most profitable business during the summer was the numerous “CRASH” coaching classes that tried to make kids master of various arts in an unbelievable time period. Kids were sent to the classes mostly to keep the trouble away from home, or when the ladies wanted to watch tv soaps peacefully. In addition to these activities, numerous so called sports like carom board, playing cards, business-trade, kites keep off boredom. Of all these sports, terrace cricket was arguably the best athletic sport involving breaking windows, jumping over terrace and roof to fetch the ball earning all the well wishes of the neighbours.

Whatever it was, those summers were always meant for taking a break from the year’s activities. But as I am living through this summer, a sense of boredom creeps in. Being grown up, engaged in more serious activities like doing a PG course, undergoing an internship, time passes slowly through the windows (Microsoft). Now getting glued to the internet, all I do is checking my gtalk every 5 minutes, changing the playlist mechanically, downloading and watching loads of movies to the extent of turning into an insomniac. The body aches for action, the mind for the thrilling excitement which as of now is only provided with Counter Strike and FIFA08. Hope to see some action soon….

Monday, April 27, 2009

A few of my Murphy's Laws

Hope Murphy wont mind...  :P

You always get a green signal when you go with your girl friend,
but you wait for aeons when you are alone...

The film is always screened early when you go with your girl,
but you get to watcht loads of ads in other cases...

Friends always bump into you while shopping with your girl,
but you dont meet a single soul while shopping alone...

you stay at a far away place,
your boy friend and parents decide yo visit you on the same day!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

While I was in the bathroom

Bathing in the rain of hot needles,
singing aloud and bold.
I am out of the world,
while I was in the bathroom.

Cold was the beer,
fanatics were my peers.
As the cross was being set-up,
I chucked up.
Thus sent off to bathe,
I missed my club scoring a goal.

Back from muddy rain,
my clothes were covered with stain.
Taking a shower,
as the dirt ran of the bathroom floor,
I missed the drenched girl who knocked at my door.

With knees weakened,
and after watching many things happened,
I got tired and stepped into the shower.
Bathing in the rain of hot needles,
singing aloud and bold.
I slipped and fell out of the world,
while I was in the bathroom.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

a faint february

Lots of thoughts,
lots of ideas,
but finally this is all i wrote...


The Lady of seasons


Where does the spring start?

Isn’t it from your hair!!!


Oh!!! Those looks of yours,

Doesn’t it burn me like summer!!!


Your walk,

As graceful as the falling leaves in autumn.


Oh God!!! that touch of yours,

It makes me shiver like in the winters.


A day A Life


I wake up with a cry,

As the whole world smiling on me…


I go to sleep with a smile,

As the whole world crying for me…

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Cable

The car passed the bridge and took a right heading towards the cul-de-sac. It got parked on the side of the kerb and Varun was carried to his apartment. Varun had been checking mails in his office desk, when suddenly his right side became ice cold like a stone. After a few minutes of panic and struggle, he was made to sit into the office car and was driven to his home. Varun’s wife Maya, feared that Varun would have got one of the stone attacks with which the medical fraternity had been fighting in the recent years. People seem to suffer from this kind of sudden attacks where their parts of body turn numb. Every hospital had built a separate ward for housing patients suffering from stone attacks. Patients were monitored and were assisted to carry out their daily activities with their numb parts. Maya called for an ambulance and Varun was carried out in the stretch and the ambulance started off.

The Warden was making his daily rounds in level 4 of the Ministerial power center. The center housed millions of brain like things know as biocell. His duty was to check the power level of each biocell for the day. As he was checking over the biocell C873X23 he noticed that there was something strange. The power level was low than the expected limit. As he neared the biocell he observed that there was a cable hanging loose from the left side of the biocell. The warden took the cable and plugged into the free socket.

The ambulance had almost reached the hospital and Varun was carried out in the stretcher. As he was carried over, Varun felt like his right side coming over. As he tried to rollover he fell of the stretcher and got up with ease. The doctors were perplexed and Varun was driven home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Balance sheet 2008 - audited ofc

Raju raju yes papa,
Making profits yes papa…
Telling lies, no papa,
Show your balance sheet,
Haha haha
(thought of sharing this rhyme written by my friend)

Hope people don’t find fault with this Raju’s (Rajesh I mean) balance sheet for the calendar year 2008. Guess I won’t be having any confession to make after posting this balance sheet. Here it goes

Q1. CAT results kick started the year, showing that 92 percentile is my vertical limit and other exam results following suit. Applied to IFMR due to my friend’s advice (which turned out be a monumental decision) and awaited for GDPI calls from other b-schools. Finally TAPMI, IMT Nagpur, BIM and IFMR had the heart to interview me. Work side, was just performing marginal work and trying to develop my sporting skills in table tennis and basketball. Jeeves and Wooster (TV series – adapted from the plays of P.G.Wodehouse) was a real stress buster during this testing time. Oh boy! Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry were too apt in their respective roles.

Q2. Applied for leave from the office stating that I had food poisoning (food poison to me??? Not in my lifetime) and travelled to Bangalore and Manipal for the GDPI interviews. It was a mixed experience in GDPIs, getting to know how years of work of many CAT aspirants gets converted to success or failure (though I just took the mock test for preparation). Finally got selected in TAPMI and IMT Nagpur with IFMR in the waiting list. Didn’t accept both the b-schools for specific reasons and finally ended up taking PGDM-DSF at IFMR though they didn’t offer me that course. Counted the days literally for the d-day on which I would drop the bomb to my manager. After saying the news about my resignation, felt like as if I have stabbed the man and was happy for quite a few days. Then as my last at work came nearby, felt low as I had to leave my colleagues turned friends, who were a part of my life for 1 ½ years and the project of which unknowingly I have become a nagging necessary part. At last, left my first job on 2nd June peacefully. Spent the whole month of June watching both good and bad English movies (Finding Neverland, Top Gun, SAW, My first 50 dates, The Truman Show, You don’t mess with Zohan)

Q3. My second innings in college life started on 7th July. Got a truly pan India classmates with people from all the corner of India. Finally was attracted towards the Tamil speaking crowd as my English was too bad to converse with the Northies (though I did know toota foota Hindi). Shared my birthday celebration with a innocent soul and guessed that the creator should have correct the mistake made on my birthday the next year. Got a best friend (unlucky girl for she got a friend like me) who inspired me a lot and helped sailed smoothly in the ocean of MBA. Learnt jargons here and there (courtesy My MIS professor). Started watching lots of movies and forgot that I have created this blog. Gave my first end term exams with least struggles.

Q4. Bad end to a year that started well. The sub prime crisis took its tool around the world, with my seniors finding hard to get jobs. More serious than the subprime, one of my classmates met with an accident and passed away which I am still not able to accept. Such a short ending to beautiful life. Preparations for Abhyudaya and second term helped me and my classmates forget about the incidence. This term too watched lots of movies. Year ended with a presentation week for the second term subjects and boozing out in hostel. The year was quite fast moving, with major decisions of my life being taken. Hope everything goes alright….